
JasonML (75)

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Highlighting code in presentations

Before I started using this method, I always struggled with ways to highlight parts of code I wanted to talk about when giving presentations. This method, I've found, is at once the easiest method to use, and provides context to the viewer. They can easily…

10 Simple Things to Improve Your Tech Talks

Practice your talk before speaking. Several times. Record yourself. Watch it. At a conference, people paid $$$ for this. Assume wifi is unavailable for your talk. Don't depend on it to run demos. Assume you'll get few or no questions. Given a 45 minute slot?…

Simple Startup Ideas

All too often on Hacker News, I come across a comment like this: Yes. Of course, it might only take a day to build, but it will be maintained forever. And that means dealing with potential bugs. That means testing. That means deploying. It means…


What to do: Find out where you are Take a small step towards your goal Adjust your understanding based on what you learned Repeat How to do it: When faced with two of more alternatives that deliver roughly the same value, take the path that…

How to read more

Last year I read 37 books. I don't pretend that this is a high number. I know that there are people that read far more books than that. However, I also know that 37 books is far greater than the majority of other people. Still,…