

There are those times I come across an article that are so amazingly simple and obvious that it immediately changes the way I write code. Understanding JavaScript's Function.prototype.bind is one such article. It's one of those articles that talks about something I always knew but never really thought about it that way before.

I'll let the article speak for itself, but I want to give you the pattern I enjoy now. I want to show you how it makes itself easy to approach and use.

So, let's say we have this bit of code.

Buckets.prototype.add = function(data){  var stopEarly = ! (this.options.stop_on_match === true);  _.each(this.bucketConditions, function(c){    if(c.test(data)){      this.buckets[].push(data);      return stopEarly;    }  }.bind(this));  return this;};

This is part of a buckets node package I'm finishing up. Now, I want 'data' to be whatever they pass in, so this could be an object, an array, or whatever. Because of that, however, I need to create another function that allows the user to enter a data list.

Buckets.prototype.addList = function(data, cb) {...};

I want to reuse the 'add' function already created. So I add this:

Buckets.prototype.addList = function(data, cb){  var that = this;  async.each(data, function(v){    that.add(v);  });};

We've all seen code like that. However, the article mentioned above reminds you about .bind, and its special ability to bind the function to a certain object as context. This means instead of writing the above code, I can do this:

Buckets.prototype.addList = function(data, cb){  async.each(data, this.add.bind(this), cb);};

This is so much easier, and so much more elegant. I highly suggest reading the above article. It's wonderful.