Exhausted and Chili


Completely and utterly exhausted.  Between work and home, I'm beat.  Big projects, team members leaving, and just so much to do.  Luckily, I still had the chance to make some veggie chili tonight.  It will be good for the upcoming weekend and week.  Makes for a nice hearty meal, and it's easy to make.

  • 1 Can of Black Beans
  • 1 Can of Red Kidney Beans
  • 1 Can of White Kidney Beans
  • 2 Small Yellow Onions
  • 1 Can of Chopped Tomatoes
  • 1 Can of Corn
  • Chili Powder and Cumin to taste
  • Salt and Pepper of course

Just put some oil in a pot, brown the chopped onions, dump everything else in, and let it simmer for 20+ minutes.  It will smell good.  You can season and spice it up if you want.  Throw in some bell peppers and celery as well.  I love adding the corn, but you don't have to.  But boy does it taste good.  The chili powder and cumin are what really do it for me.