How not to automatically detect location


We're moving.  We are leaving Montreal, and moving to Telford, PA.  And it's happening soon.  Very soon.  Luckily, we have most everything in order.  A place to move to, a job, utilities, TV, Internet, phone and movers.  We have most everything packed.  A lot of work moving, especially to a different country, but it's exciting.

One thing I am finding difficult to overcome, however, is the internet.  More precisely, "smart" developers who decide to use my IP address as an indicator of what country I'm in and deny me the ability to even *look* at something.

My IP Address is not my nationality

Despite living in Canada for almost 10 years, I'm still American.  Do not assume that just because I have a Canadian IP address that I am Canadian.  Most web sites get this correct.  They display error messages talking about the location.  Some, however, make the extra leap and assume I am Canadian.  I am not.  While I don't have anything against Canadians (my wife and kids are, after all), it just strikes me as odd.  And it's wrong.

It's even more wrong when the error message says the offer is only available to American's or someone with an American address.  I am one, and I have one.

I want to read up on your service

Let's be clear: I realize you don't offer your service to people living in Canada.  You can even tell me that.  But redirecting links and preventing me from even reading the material is dumb.  I'm moving, and I'd like to read up on what you have to offer.  I know better than you where I am, why I'm at your site, and what I need from it.  It's one thing from preventing me from actually making a purchase, it's another thing entirely to block all the information on a service from me.

Even more annoying are the sites that redirect you, but then allow you to browse the sites anyway.  I have to try and search the site for the information I was originally directed to.  And that's annoying.

Don't shun me

Living in Canada, I'm fully aware of how the laws make certain things difficult.  Living in Quebec means I'm completely aware of how downright difficult it is to provide services here.  Quebec is in every exception for anything ever offered.  I mean, if I come across some special that is available in Canada, I need only read the small print to find the Quebec exception.

But that doesn't mean you should go the extra step of blocking me from seeing an offer or getting updates on future offers.

Listen, I'm moving to a new area, a new country, a new way of doing things.  I want to do as much as I can before getting down there.  Stop trying to be "smart" and get all creative.  Do the bare minimum, warn me, prevent me from spending money: find.  I can accept that.  But stop preventing me from learning about your service.