I don't journal
by JasonML
But maybe I should. I should try to come up with basic quesitons I ask myself each day.
What am I grateful for?
Coffee. I like coffee. With honey.
My desire to cook. I enjoy cooking, and I enjoy exploring new recipes, and making things up as I go along. I come up with some tasty things, and it’s always enjoyable when I find a new mixture of foods that just taste good.
What am I working on?
I’m working on a few things.
First, I’m streaming most days. I give it little thought. I should.
I’m at a cross between working on streaming tools and building games. I’d like to do one or the other.
What games am I playing?
World of Warcraft TBC Classic in preperation for Wrath of the Lich King.
No Man’s Sky.
These are the big games I’m playing at the moment.
Am I staying healthy?
I’m trying. I monitor what I eat, and I aim for more protein and more vegetables than anything else. I try to incorporate more vegan meals than not.