How to read more

Last year I read 37 books. I don't pretend that this is a high number. I know that there are people that read far more books than that. However, I also know that 37 books is far greater than the majority of other people. Still,…

How to become a better developer

Understand and respect your users You are building something for someone. Whether that someone are other people just like you, people mostly like you, or people completely different from you, you need to understand your user. This also means that being a better developer isn't…

Do Less

I've thought a lot about performance this past year. Both on the client side and the server-side as well. While it might not come as a surprise, the number one thing you can do to improve performance is to do less. And this applies to…

How to learn a new programming language

I used to have a problem learning new programming languages. It wasn't that I found the syntax difficult, or that concepts eluded me. Rather, it was the idea of learning an entirely new language a fairly time consuming task. It hasn't been until recently that…