Projects & Social


I've always been easy to find on the internet.  Here is a bunch of links that will either take you to profiles at various social networking sites I'm on, or take you to personal projects of mine.

Hackathons & Startup Weekends

  • AutisticTouch (Hackathon Project) - Web based tablet app that allows children with autism to speak and text their parents, and allow their parents to respond.
  • Special Places - (Philadelphia Startup Weekend #3) - Mobile application that allows parents of children with special needs to find and rate local businesses based on that businesses accommodations of the special needs of the child.
  • Jack'd Rabbit - (Internal Hackathon Project) - Web based front end for managing and monitoring Jackd, a PHP consumers manager for RabbitMQ
  • Loud'n'Fresh - (Philadelphia Startup Weekend #4, member of the team) - A website that allows musicians to post their music and interact with their fans in a new and unique manner.
  • WeGotYourSite - (Lehigh Valley Startup Weekend #1, took 3rd Place, being renamed to SteelSites) - A web service that allows businesses to build their websites by using Facebook as their content management system.
  • Google Chrome Extension (Internal Hackathon Project) - TBA

Personal Projects

Social Sites


  • Steel Framework - PHP 5.4 Framework (In the works)
  • PEAR Image_Color
  • Maintainer for EclipseLib (Extensible Code Library for PHP Software Engineers), most features from EclipseLib have since been included into PHP5+.