
JasonML (75)

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So much to say. I think the core lessons are: be patient, don't give up, and always be learning. You can turn even the most crappy situation into valuable lessons. Teach them to others. Be happy with what you have yet always strive to improve…


There are those times I come across an article that are so amazingly simple and obvious that it immediately changes the way I write code. Understanding JavaScript's Function.prototype.bind is one such article. It's one of those articles that talks about something I always knew but…

Keeping SSH connections alive

It's actually fairly simple. In your SSH config file, you add this: Host * ServerAliveInterval 240 The * after the host can be whatever host you want it to apply to, and *simply means to apply this to all hosts. So you could also apply…

Technology behind photos

So, we looked at JPEG image encoding, which is a very popular image codec. Especially since our image is going to be blurred heavily on the client, and thus band-limiting our image data, JPEG should compress this image quite efficiently for our purposes. Unfortunately, the…

Performance - Or how I learned to evaluate better

1. Given what I know of this person’s performance, and if it were my money, I would award this person the highest possible compensation increase and bonus. 2. Given what I know of this person’s performance, I would always want him or her on my…