
JasonML (75)

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Ideas of March

Ideas of march is a nice idea, especially when you consider the recent moves by Twitter. Controlling your own data on your website gives you more freedom. Services like Identi.ca should help alleviate the pain of moving from Twitter, but your own blog is still…

The Future of Apple Products

I'm calling it, yet again. Here. I've made mention of this multiple times on Reddit and HN. I'm putting it here. The future of Apple's Products. First, if you look at their recent product line, their is one common theme. Wireless. Everything is wireless. Wires…

The Next Mac mini from Apple

Making a prediction here. The next Mac mini's will be really small. Think, Macbook Air small. Just sit and think for a moment. Put in an SSD drive, remove the super drive, and you have a really small, tightly compact computer. I imagine you could…

Exhausted and Chili

Completely and utterly exhausted. Between work and home, I'm beat. Big projects, team members leaving, and just so much to do. Luckily, I still had the chance to make some veggie chili tonight. It will be good for the upcoming weekend and week. Makes for…

Comments are always failures?

Comments are always failures? Followed by a post that explains why comments are failures, and what to do about it. The idea is simple, but requiring an article to explain it is a sign of failure, according to the idea. I came up with my…