
I've been on a Startup Weekend kick this past year. I've attended the 3rd Philly Startup Weekend, the first Philly Health Startup Weekend, the 4th Philly Startup Weekend, and the Lehigh Valley Startup Weekend, where my team working on an idea I pitched took 3rd place. I…

Inbred Code Review

I've never heard this term before, but it's something I've coined here at work. Essentially, it's when a few people working on the same project pass code reviews back and forth to one another. Problems in the code are harder to detect, because the same…

PHP Tips and Tricks: Array Lengths

This is a simple trick. It makes the assumption that you manage your arrays properly, and in this case, you are using an array (or list), and not a dictionary. Basically, a list that starts at 0 (though, the method can be adjust to fit…

Injectors: Dependency Injection with Traits

With the release of PHP 5.4, Traits were added to our toolbox. And, if I might be so bold, it's one of the most exciting features I've seen come out of PHP in a long time. A Trait is similar to a class, but only…