I picked the destination

In August, I moved from Montreal after almost 10 years to the small town of Telford, Pennsylvania, a little less than an hour north of Philadelphia. It's a beautiful little town. Our home is nestled in a small development filled with couples with kids that…

How not to automatically detect location

We're moving. We are leaving Montreal, and moving to Telford, PA. And it's happening soon. Very soon. Luckily, we have most everything in order. A place to move to, a job, utilities, TV, Internet, phone and movers. We have most everything packed. A lot of…

iTunes Match and the Music Labels

Apple announced on Monday iCloud, Lion, and iOS5. Oh , and one more thing: iTunes Match. A 24.99$ a year service that lets you take your existing pira.... er, ripped music and get Apple to legitimize it. The revolutionary part of this announcement has to…

How to get an invite to Forrst

If you don't know, Forrst is a invite-online developer and designer community started by Kyle Bragger (@kylebragger). It's a fairly friendly community, with lots of great feedback from a wide variety of people with all levels of skill. However, one thing Forrst strives for is…