Eclipse with FTP Support

FTP in Eclipse? This question gets asked a lot. An FTP plugin for Eclipse that will put your file up onto the server with a save of the file. I don't use it much, but for fast projects on my home server, it makes things…


privacy.txt is last weekends project. It's a simple idea. I'm currently putting together a parser in PHP. I also want to see about implementing browser plugins for this as well. A little plugin that will sit and run in your browser and make a request…

PTI - PHP Tools Integration for Eclipse

I use Eclipse for my PHP coding. One thing I love about Eclipse is the numerous plugins available. The down side is you have to know about the plugins. One plugin I find a must have on any Eclipse installation is PTI - PHP Tool…

Ideas of March

Ideas of march is a nice idea, especially when you consider the recent moves by Twitter. Controlling your own data on your website gives you more freedom. Services like should help alleviate the pain of moving from Twitter, but your own blog is still…